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Galapagos Conference Website

I’m working on a review paper on evolution of volcanic ocean islands coming out of the Chapman Conference on the Galapagos I participated in last summer. Rather handily, the conference organizers have put together a nice website with all of the talks, posters, and field trip guides. If you are …

AGU 2011 abstract: Controls on the hydrologic evolution of Quaternary volcanic landscapes

The following talk will be presented in the 2011 AGU fall meeting session on “EP41F. Posteruptive Processes Operating on Volcanic Landscapes I” on Thursday, December 8th from 9:15 to 9:30 am. Controls on the hydrologic evolution of Quaternary volcanic landscapes Anne J. Jefferson and Noemi d’Ozouville 1. Geography and Earth …

Chapman Abstract: Top down or bottom up? Volcanic history, climate, and the hydrologic evolution of volcanic landscapes

In July 2011, Anne was a plenary speaker at the Chapman Conference on The Galápagos as a Laboratory for the Earth Sciences in Puerto Ayora, Galapágos. Anne was tasked with reviewing the state-of-knowledge of volcanic island hydrology and identifying pressing questions for future research in this 40 minute talk. The …