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doing science

Ralph McGee and Cameron Moore will graduate next week!

Major congratulations to two Watershed Hydrogeology Lab graduate students who have finished writing their MS theses and will defend them next week. Ralph McGee and Cameron Moore both started in our MS in Earth Science program in August 2009, and less than two years later they have each completed impressive …

My fall 2010 schedule

I’ve got a light teaching schedule this semester, in compensation for a killer load last spring. I’m planning to do a fair amount of field and lab work on Thursdays and Fridays. Here’s where to find me the rest of the time…but you might want to click to embiggen to …

Women geo-types on Twitter

This page is an archived version of the women geo-types list that I maintain on Twitter. Women geo-types lists the Twitter accounts of women who tweet about the geosciences or identify as geoscientists in their Twitter bios. The list was originally compiled using the AGU-maintained list of geo-space-ocean scientists on …

Exciting times in the Watershed lab

The last few months have been busy, busy, busy for the members of this research group, and now, with the semester over, our hard work is starting to pay off. Brock Freyer has accepted a job with Three Parameters Plus, an environmental consulting firm based out of Anchorage, Alaska. He’ll …