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🌍 Follow Earth Science people on Mastodon

This page provides a list of the accounts of Earth scientists and Earth science enthusiasts active on Mastodon, and a way to follow multiple accounts at once. You can decide if you want to follow some or all of the accounts in the list. You are provided with a .csv file, which you can upload in Mastodon in order to follow those you select. Here are some brief instructions on how to do this.

Note! This is an opt-in list: accounts are only added by explict consent. It is a starting point for connecting with the Earth Science community in the Fediverse, but is by no means a complete register. Hashtags matter in Mastodon, so use and monitor hashtags such as #geology #geoscience #EarthScience to find and be found!

If you'd like to be added to the list please fill in this form. If you want to edit some of the information given i.e., misspellings, errors, message me at @allochthonous@scicomm.xyz.

Account & profile link | Name | Interests

If you'd like to be added to the list please fill in this form. If you want to edit some of the information given i.e., misspellings, errors, message me at @allochthonous@scicomm.xyz.

I take no credit for this - it is a fork of a fork of this list of sociologists by David Adler, Thomas Haase & Hendrik Erz. Any weird behaviour is probably due to my incompetent tweaking - let me know if you find any.