
Headshot_AnneJefferson_smallforwebAnne J. Jefferson grew up on the Mississippi River in southeastern Minnesota and spent summers on Lake Superior. These two places imbued her with a love of water and the dynamic way it shapes landscapes. Anne is a Professor in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. She also directs Lake Champlain Sea Grant, the Vermont Water Resources and Lake Studies Center, and the Northeastern States Research Cooperative. You can read more about Anne’s background in her CV and you can learn more about her research and teaching by browsing this site. Contact Anne.


Current Research Group

Andrea Stumpf is a research technician who joined the Watershed Lab in September 2023. Andrea has a M.S. in Environmental Science at Villanova University. Andrea does an amazing job keeping all of the lab projects running and is playing a key role as a researcher on our trash in urban streams NSF-funded project.

Lakelyn Taylor is a post-doctoral researcher who joined the Watershed lab in August 2023. She has a PhD in Strategic Communication from the University of Central Florida. Lakelyn’s research focuses on flood warning communications and is supported by NOAA via the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology.

Suffiyan Safdar is a a PhD student who joined the Watershed lab in Fall 2022. Suffiyan has a MS in City and Urban Environments from École Centrale de Nantes and B.Eng. in Urban Engineering from NED University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan. Suffiyan’s PhD focuses on sediment transport and its connection to fluvial geomorphology in urban streams. Suffiyan’s first PhD was published in ACS ES&T Water in 2024 and focuses on suspended sediment hysteresis dynamics in Cleveland streams.

Nurjahan Begum is a MS student who joined the Watershed Lab in Fall 2024. Nurjahan has a MS and BSc in Environmental Science from the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Nurjahan’s research focuses on microplastics on Lake Champlain shorelines. Her work is funded by the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

Sabrina Koetter is a MS student who is coadvised by Anne and Kris Stepenuck in the Watershed, Education, Science, and Policy lab. Sabrina’s research focuses on pathways of information sharing and outcomes for participants in volunteer water monitoring programs. Sabrina is also a graduate teaching assistant for Lake Champlain Sea Grant’s Watershed Alliance program. Sabrina started at UVM in summer 2024.

Kayleigh Leary, Hope Lagemann, Morgan Fletcher, Arden Degrennier, and Henry Motes are undergraduates in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. They joined the Watershed Lab in 2023 and 2024. Kayleigh, Hope, and Morgan are working on aspects of trash in urban streams; Arden is focusing on microplastics in Vermont rivers; and Henry is involved in with the flood warnings communication research project. 

Casey Benderoth is a recent graduate (December 2024) of the University of Vermont. She is continuing her involvement with the trash in urban streams research in the Watershed Lab in spring 2025.  


Post-Doctoral Researchers

Pedro Avellaneda was a post-doctoral researcher in the Watershed Hydrology group from February 2016 to August 2017. Pedro has a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of New Hampshire. Pedro is now at the San Francisco Estuary Institute.  Pedro’s post-doc and later collaboration with the Watershed Lab has generated 4 papers (Avellaneda et al., 2017, Jefferson et al., 2017, Avellaneda et al., 2020, Hassan et al., 2024).

PhD students

Zia Ul Hassan earned a PhD in Applied Geology from Kent State University in December 2023. Zia’s PhD dissertation is “Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change and Stormwater Management on the Flow Regime of Urban Streams: Case Studies of Cleveland, Ohio and Denver, Colorado.” Zia’s work was part of the NSF-funded STORMS project. He has a paper published in Journal of Hydrology (Hassan et al., 2024), a co-authored paper in review, and two more manuscripts in preparation.

MS students

Anne had 17 students complete M.S. degrees at UNC Charlotte and Kent State University

  • Nageen Farooq earned her MS in Geology from Kent State University in May 2024. Nageen’s research focused on the mobility and geomorphic effects of anthropogenic debris in streams, as part of an NSF-funded project. Nageen has a paper in review. Nageen works for MAJESTIC Developers in Houston, Texas.
  • Jeff Timmons earned his MS in Geology from Kent State University in December 2020. Jeff’s thesis research focused on lake effect precipitation and snow as drivers of spatial variability in surface and groundwater isotopes in northeastern Ohio. Jeff’s work was supported by a GSA student research grant and a grant from the Kent State Geology department. Jeff is now a Geologist for the Bureau of Land Management in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Jeff’s dataset contributed to a paper in PLOS ONE (Stantis et al., 2024). 
  • Hayley Buzulencia earned her M.S. in Geology from Kent State University in November 2019. Hayley’s research focused on sulfur dynamics in an urban wetland. She was co-advised by Dr. Lauren Kinsman-Costello. Hayley’s research was supported by funding from Cleveland Metroparks. She now works as Senior Watershed Inspector for Seattle Public Utilities.
  • Mary Plauche earned her M.S. in Geology at Kent State University in June 2019. Mary’s thesis research focused on how urban infrastructure influences the spatial and temporal variability of chloride and nitrate in headwater streams. Her work was supported by a GSA student research grant, the Department of Geology, and the Kent State University Research Council. Mary now works as a staff scientist at SLR Consulting in  Marietta, Georgia.
  • Catherine Ruhm earned her M.S. in Geology from Kent State University in November 2018. Catherine’s research focused on soils and geomorphology of abandoned surface mines now located in Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP). Catherine’s work contributed to a paper in Land Degradation and Development (Ruggles et al., 2021) and one in Geoderma (Back et al., 2024).
  • Garrett Blauch earned his M.S. degree in Geology at Kent State University in August 2018. Garrett now works for AECOM as a GIS specialist in Portland, OR. Garrett’s research was published as Blauch and Jefferson (2019).
  • Laura Sugano (now Laura Johansen) earned her M.S degree in Geology in May 2018. Laura’s research focused on comparing the hydrologic and water quality effectiveness of bioretention cells and green roofs. Her work was supported by Cleveland Metroparks. She was co-advised by Dr. Lauren Kinsman-Costello. Laura works as a senior geologist for Roux Associates in the greater Chicago area.
  • Eric Traub earned his M.S. degree in Geology at Kent State University in May 2016. He was co-advised by Dr. David Singer. Eric now works for the Idaho Environmental Coalition. Eric’s research was published (Singer et al., 2018) in Elementa.
  • Kimberly Jarden earned her M.S. degree in Geology at Kent State University in April 2015. Kimm is a Senior Sustainability Specialist in the Global Sustainability Department at Goodyear in Akron, Ohio. Kimm’s research was published as Jarden et al., 2016 and (Turner et al., 2016.  
  • Darren Reilly completed his M.S. in Geology from Kent State University in April 2014, co-supervised by Anne Jefferson and David Singer. Darren’s thesis research focused on sources of groundwater contamination for residential wells in northeastern Pennsylvania. He currently works for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Darren’s research was published in Environmental Earth Sciences (Reilly et al., 2015).
  • J. Brock Freyer completed his M.S. degree in Earth Sciences at UNC Charlotte in spring 2013, and he is a Wetland Ecologist for Stantec in South Burlington, Vermont. Brock’s research was published in Anthropocene (Freyer and Jefferson, 2013).
  • Mackenzie Osypian completed her M.S. degree in Civil Engineeringat UNC Charlotte in spring 2013, and she works as an environmental engineer for the State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
  • Alea Tuttle completed her degree M.S. degree in Earth Sciences at UNC Charlotte  in summer 2012, and she now works for Clearwater Environmental, in Asheville, North Carolina. Alea’s thesis generated two publications (Tuttle et al., 2014; McMillan et al., 2014) .
  • Brandon Blue completed his M.S. degree in Earth Sciences at UNC Charlotte in summer 2012 and he now works MacVicar Consulting in Miami, Florida.
  • Ralph McGee completed his M.S. degree in Earth Sciences at UNC Charlotte  in spring 2011, and he works for Hart and Hickman in Charlotte, North Carolina. Ralph’s research was published in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (Jefferson and McGee, 2013).
  • Cameron Moore completed his M.S. degree in Earth Sciences at UNC Charlotte in spring 2011. Cameron is now a geologist at Mid-Atlantic Associates.

Undergraduate Researchers