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urban watersheds

EGU Abstract: Potential impact of lava flows on regional water supplies: case study of central Oregon Cascades volcanism and the Willamette Valley, USA

This abstract was just submitted to the European Geosciences Union meeting for a session on “NH9.9. Natural hazard impact on technological systems and urban areas.” I won’t get to go to Vienna in April, but at least a little bit of my science will. Thanks to Natalia for finding a …

Seeking grad students

I am seeking a MS or PhD student to conduct research focusing on urban hydrology at the watershed or stream-reach scale. Research will likely involve a significant field component, but may also include stable isotope and water quality lab work, GIS analyses, watershed modeling, or use of historical data. A …

Upcoming lecture at Ashland University

This Thursday, September 20th at 7:30 pm, I’ll be giving a public lecture at Ashland University as part of their Environmental Lecture Series. This year’s theme is “The Ecology of Urban Living” and I’ll be talking about “the science of streams in the city” (abstract below). The lecture is open …

Abstract: Evaluating restoration effects on transient storage and hyporheic exchange in urban and forested streams

A third abstract from our group for the 2012 Geological Society of America meeting: EVALUATING RESTORATION EFFECTS ON TRANSIENT STORAGE AND HYPORHEIC EXCHANGE IN URBAN AND FORESTED STREAMS OSYPIAN, Mackenzie L., Civil Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28262,, JEFFERSON, Anne J., Department of Geology, Kent …

Abstract: Characterizing the effects of hydrometeorology and stream networks on urban stream temperature response to precipitation

I’ll be presenting recent graduate Brandon Blue’s work on urban stream temperatures in the urban hydrology session at the GSA meeting this fall. The following abstract will pair nicely with Charles’s work on stormwater management and stream temperatures. Characterizing the effects of hydrometeorology and stream networks on urban stream temperature …