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urban watersheds

Seeking Post Doctoral Scholar at University of Vermont: Stormwater Management Adaptations to Climate Change

We seek a postdoctoral researcher with interest in stormwater, climate change, and how communities are adapting their stormwater management strategies (e.g., green stormwater infrastructure, design standards) to changing precipitation and temperature patterns. The postdoctoral researcher will be a key contributor to a new USGS-funded research project working with communities in …

Watershed Lab’s 2024 in Review

We are one amazing research group. We are a faculty lead (Anne), a technician (Andrea), a post doc (Lakelyn), a PhD student (Suffiyan), 2 MS students (Nurjahan and Sabrina), 6 undergraduates (Casey, Kayleigh, Arden, Morgan, Hope, and Henry), and 1 closely-affiliated faculty member (Liz). We published great science in four …

New paper! Assessment of hydrological parameter uncertainty versus climate projection spread on urban streamflow and floods

I’m super excited to share that recent PhD graduate Zia Ul Hassan published his first paper, and it’s a big one. The effects of climate change will continue to intensify over the coming decades, with bigger and more intense rainstorms. In urban watersheds, that means more stormwater reaching urban streams, …

Wood in Urban Streams is a Function of Watershed Impervious Area and Riparian Buffers

The Watershed Hydrology Lab will be at the Geological Society of America annual meeting in early November. Anne will be giving a talk in the session on “Human Alterations of Landscape Connectivity” on Sunday, November 4th from 10:55-11:10 am. The session (which she’s also co-convening) at the Indiana Convention Center …

Two Graduate Assistantships to study urban streams

Two Graduate Assistantships to study urban streams We are seeking two graduate assistants for an NSF-funded collaborative project aimed at understanding how stormwater management decisions translate to hydrologic and environmental outcomes in urban streams in Cleveland (Ohio) and Denver (Colorado). These funded graduate student researchers will join an interdisciplinary team …

Announcing STORMS!

I’m pleased to announce that I’m leading a new multi-institution NSF-funded project investigating how stormwater decision making translates to environmental outcomes at the watershed scale. I’m collaborating with Aditi Bhaskar (Colorado State University), Kelly Turner (UCLA), and Dave Costello (Kent State University) on the project we’ve christened STORMS, for STream …