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stream restoration

Wood in Urban Streams is a Function of Watershed Impervious Area and Riparian Buffers

The Watershed Hydrology Lab will be at the Geological Society of America annual meeting in early November. Anne will be giving a talk in the session on “Human Alterations of Landscape Connectivity” on Sunday, November 4th from 10:55-11:10 am. The session (which she’s also co-convening) at the Indiana Convention Center …

AGU Abstract: Dynamic Hydraulic Conductivity, Streambed Sediment, and Biogeochemistry Following Stream Restoration

The Watershed Hydrology Lab will be represented at the AGU Fall Meeting in December in the session on “Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions: Identifying and Integrating Physical, Biological, and Chemical Processes.” Dynamic Hydraulic Conductivity, Streambed Sediment, and Biogeochemistry Following Stream Restoration Anne Jefferson, Stuart Baker, and Lauren Kinsman-Costello, Kent State University, Kent, …

After the dam comes down: groundwater-stream interactions and water quality effects of restored and unrestored reaches in northeastern Ohio

The Watershed Hydrology lab will be out in force for the Geological Society of America annual meeting in Vancouver in October. For the last few days, we’ve been sharing the abstracts of the work we are presenting there. AFTER THE DAM COMES DOWN: GROUNDWATER-STREAM INTERACTIONS AND WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF …

Changes in hyporheic exchange and subsurface processes following stream restoration

The Watershed Hydrology lab will be out in force for the Geological Society of America annual meeting in Vancouver in October. Over the next few days, we’ll be sharing the abstracts of the work we are presenting there. CHANGES IN HYPORHEIC EXCHANGE AND SUBSURFACE PROCESSES FOLLOWING STREAM RESTORATION BAKER, Stuart …

Research Experience for Undergraduates focused on Stream Restoration

Collaborator Jason Vogel at Oklahoma State asked me to spread the word about their cool new REU on stream restoration, starting this summer. Application deadlines are February 15th and the program runs May 26 – July 31st. For more information: A Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site will provide …

Development of hyporheic exchange and nutrient uptake following stream restoration

Next week, the Watershed Hydrology Lab will be well represented at the CUAHSI 2014 Biennial Colloquium. We’ll be presenting four posters, so here come the abstracts… Development of hyporheic exchange and nutrient uptake following stream restoration Stuart Baker and Anne Jefferson Stream restoration is a multi-million dollar industry in Ohio, …

After the dam comes out: groundwater-stream interactions and water quality impacts of former reservoir sites

Next week, the Watershed Hydrology Lab will be well represented at the CUAHSI 2014 Biennial Colloquium. We’ll be presenting four posters, so here come the abstracts… After the dam comes out: groundwater-stream interactions and water quality impacts of former reservoir sites Krista Brown and Anne Jefferson Over that past decade, …