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New publication: Coevolution of hydrology and topography on a basalt landscape in the Oregon Cascade Range, USA

How does a landscape go from looking like this… to looking like this? Find out in my new paper in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Hint: Using a chronosequence of watersheds in the Oregon Cascades, we argue that the rates and processes of landscape evolution are driven by whether the …

Urban streams with green walls

For large urban streams, the standard practices in stream and habitat restoration are sometimes not possible, often because decades of infrastructure development have pinned the stream into a narrow corridor. So other approaches need to be considered, and Robert Francis and Simon Hoggart of King’s College London discuss ways that existing artificial structures can be put to work to mitigate some of the ecological impacts of urbanization

FYI: NCED Summer Institute on Earth-surface Dynamics

I basically recommend anything this NCED group puts together. The short courses on Mountain Rivers and Sand-bed Rivers that I took as late-stage PhD student were absolutely fantastic. HOW DOES VEGETATION INFLUENCE LARGE-SCALE TOPOGRAPHIC FORM? —————————————————————————————————————————– In order to adequately describe the interactions among the physical, biological, geochemical, and anthropogenic …

Delta upon Delta

For some reason the last few days have seen me browsing the semi-frozen areas of the Earth and in my search for the perfect thermokarst landscape, I’ve run across some really nice deltas. I don’t know anything about the one below other than its location in far northwestern Saskatchewan, but …

Bombetoka Bay, Madagascar

Hunting for a Where on Google Earth location a while ago I ran across this wonderful tidally-influenced delta on the northwest coast of Madagascar. It is the mouth of the Betsiboka River and just north of the river mouth is the second largest port in Madagascar. What struck me about …