Diversity in the geosciences and the impact of social media
In the September issue of GSA Today, you can find our article on The Internet as a resource and support network for diverse geoscientists. Where do we go from here?
In the September issue of GSA Today, you can find our article on The Internet as a resource and support network for diverse geoscientists. Where do we go from here?
There’s a nice interview of me in today’s Charlotte Observer, where I opine on blogging as a professor, North Carolina’s #1 water resource problem, and bottled versus tap water. T. Delene Beeland did a great job with the interview questions, and my fabulous photo is courtesy of Annie Harrison.
I see ways that we can expand what we are doing, to make our community bolder, more inclusive, and more outwardly focused. Building that sort of community allows us not just to provid