Anne’s reads in 2016

For the second year in a row, I’ll be keeping track of the academic literature I read. This storify will serve as a roughly reverse chronological listing of that literature, with occasional color commentary.

Scroll to the bottom to find out how it went and what I read in 2015.

2015 in review (with pictures)

2015 was an incredible year of scientific adventures for the Watershed Hydrology lab. Here are some of our highlights:   These Piper diagrams show the geochemistry of flowback water from fracking operations in the Marcellus shale of Pennsylvania, relative to literature values of groundwater contaminated with road salt, septic waste, and animal …

Research on street-scale bioretention featured in the news

Our work with Cleveland Metroparks on assessing the effects of retrofitting bioretention cells, rain gardens, and rain barrels into residential neighborhoods in Parma, Ohio has been been featured in several news stories thanks to a nice press release issued by Kent State. On November 20th, ran the story: “Kent …

How low will they go? The response of headwater streams in the Oregon Cascades to the 2015 drought

From a distance, Anne has been watching an incredibly unusual summer play out in the Pacific Northwest, following a winter with far less snow (but more rain) than usual. Folks on the ground in Oregon have been collecting data on the response of the Oregon Cascades streams to “no snow, …

Hydrologic response to watershed metrics describing urban development and mitigation with stormwater control measures

Watershed Hydrology lab collaborator and Ph.D. candidate Colin Bell will be giving a talk in T106. From Green Roofs and Gutters to Urban Streams: Advancing Urban Watershed Hydrology through Innovative Field and Modeling Approaches on Monday, 2 November 2015 at 2:25 pm in Room 342 (Baltimore Convention Center). HYDROLOGIC RESPONSE …

Quantifying the influences of stormwater control measures on urban headwater streamflow

The Watershed Hydrology Lab will be at the Geological Society of America meeting in November in Baltimore. Anne will be giving an invited talk in the Urban Geochemistry session (T32) on Sunday, November 1st at 9 am in BCC room 308. Here’s what she’ll be talking about: Quantifying the influences …

AGU Abstract: Dynamic Hydraulic Conductivity, Streambed Sediment, and Biogeochemistry Following Stream Restoration

The Watershed Hydrology Lab will be represented at the AGU Fall Meeting in December in the session on “Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions: Identifying and Integrating Physical, Biological, and Chemical Processes.” Dynamic Hydraulic Conductivity, Streambed Sediment, and Biogeochemistry Following Stream Restoration Anne Jefferson, Stuart Baker, and Lauren Kinsman-Costello, Kent State University, Kent, …