Galapagos Conference Website

I’m working on a review paper on evolution of volcanic ocean islands coming out of the Chapman Conference on the Galapagos I participated in last summer. Rather handily, the conference organizers have put together a nice website with all of the talks, posters, and field trip guides. If you are …

What do you use Twitter for?

Share “ Off to tell 1st year faculty about benefits/perils of social media. Anyone want to share why you use Twitter? @highlyanne with your reply. Anne Jefferson Wed, Mar 14 2012 13:45:09 ReplyRetweet And here’s the answers I got. Share “ @highlyanne networking & following progress/ideas/field trips with global geotweeps …

How I use "new media"

Ironically, I write a blog post about it. I’ve been asked to talk to first year faculty about “Communications Strategies: Using the Internet, Email and New Media in Teaching and Scholarship.” My mandate is vague, so I thought I’d focus on how I use “social media” in my professional life. …

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Some of our students are in the field this week, injecting Cl- and Br- into a restored reach and an unrestored reach in tributaries of Beaver Dam Creek. Our goal is to understand the role of wood jams versus restoration structures in promoting stream-hyporheic exchange.

In the photo are Alea, Xueying, and Mackenzie. Photo by Brittany. They’ve got it so capably handled they didn’t even need Sandra or I out there with them today, but I’m going tomorrow for an excuse to be in the field as much as anything.

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Some of our students are in the field this week, injecting Cl- and Br- into a restored reach and an unrestored reach in tributaries of Beaver Dam Creek. Our goal is to understand the role of wood jams versus restoration structures in promoting stream-hyporheic exchange.

In the photo are Alea, Xueying, and Mackenzie. Photo by Brittany. They’ve got it so capably handled they didn’t even need Sandra or I out there with them today, but I’m going tomorrow for an excuse to be in the field as much as anything.

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Some of our students are in the field this week, injecting Cl- and Br- into a restored reach and an unrestored reach in tributaries of Beaver Dam Creek. Our goal is to understand the role of wood jams versus restoration structures in promoting stream-hyporheic exchange.

In the photo are Alea, Xueying, and Mackenzie. Photo by Brittany. They’ve got it so capably handled they didn’t even need Sandra or I out there with them today, but I’m going tomorrow for an excuse to be in the field as much as anything.

Brandon Blue proposal defense, Thursday, 9:30 am

Watershed Hydrogeology Lab student Brandon Blue will defend his project proposal on Thursday morning, March 1st, at 9:30 am in Cameron room 250. Brandon’s proposal is titled: Seasonal Urban Stream Temperature Response to Storm Events Within the Northern Piedmont of North Carolina. Please join us for the public presentation of the …

Recent Happenings in the Watershed Hydrogeology Lab

Some highlights from the end of last year and the beginning of the new year in our research group: Alea successfully defended her thesis proposal in November, and is hoping to finish the thesis itself this spring. We all benefited from time with our UCSB collaborators in December, and  we’ve …

Another Water REU at Virginia Tech

Dynamics of Water and Societal Systems An Interdisciplinary Research Program at the Virginia Tech StREAM Lab 2012 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) June 4 – August 10 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia   Application will be Reviewed Starting February 29th, 2012   Applications are invited from qualified and motivated undergraduate …