UNESCO’s Fresh Water for All
A student in my urban hydrology class shared this with me after I showed the UNESCO water in cities video in class. Like the video, this graphic is great. Fresh water for all infographic by antoniodivico.
A student in my urban hydrology class shared this with me after I showed the UNESCO water in cities video in class. Like the video, this graphic is great. Fresh water for all infographic by antoniodivico.
Next week my Urban Hydrology class embarks on their first project: exploring the potential water quality changes in the Cuyahoga River as it flows through the City of Kent, which is really the first good-sized town on its path to Lake Erie. Here’s a summary of what we’ll be doing, …
I’ll be showing this in my Urban Hydrology class soon, since I think it does a great job of putting water in cities in a global perspective.
This week’s mini-assignment for my urban hydrology class reads thus: “In 1-2 paragraphs, describe your hometown (or some other city you know well) in terms of its location, size, and form and why it is that way (i.e., historical context). Then write a paragraph describing your city’s relation to water. …
Texas A&M University is again hosting a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site funded by the National Science Foundation for 10 undergraduate students to conduct cutting-edge research in a transitional cloud forest in central Costa Rica. Specifically, the REU site provides a unique international opportunity for students to be immersed …
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange (ERIE)-REU Program Dates: May to August 2013 (10 weeks) Website: http://www.erie.buffalo.edu/REU.php Application Deadline: March 1, 2013 Applications are now being accepted for the summer 2013 Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange (ERIE)-REU at the State University of New York at Buffalo. …
In Urban Hydrology this semester, I’m asking my students to complete mini-assignments related to each week’s reading. I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately about East African Rift Lakes, particularly Lake Malawi. I wanted to give my students an example of a excellent and not so great responses to …
Thanks to an incredible text editor and inspiration from the creator of XKCD, here’s how I summed up what I do, using only the 1000 most common words in the English language: I study how water moves in cities and other places. Water is under the ground and on top of …
Just the messenger about this great opportunity to get hydrology research experience at one of the pivotal locations for the development of hydrologic science working with fantastic colleagues: Hillslope hydrology component of the Hubbard Brook REU: We are seeking applicants for an REU position at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest …
This abstract was just submitted to the European Geosciences Union meeting for a session on “NH9.9. Natural hazard impact on technological systems and urban areas.” I won’t get to go to Vienna in April, but at least a little bit of my science will. Thanks to Natalia for finding a …