REU opportunity in hydrology in Costa Rica

Texas A&M University is again hosting a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site funded by the National Science Foundation for 10 undergraduate students to conduct cutting-edge research in a transitional cloud forest in central Costa Rica. Specifically, the REU site provides a unique international opportunity for students to be immersed …

REU opportunity on Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange (ERIE)-REU Program Dates: May to August 2013 (10 weeks) Website: Application Deadline: March 1, 2013 Applications are now being accepted for the summer 2013 Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange (ERIE)-REU at the State University of New York at Buffalo. …

EGU Abstract: Potential impact of lava flows on regional water supplies: case study of central Oregon Cascades volcanism and the Willamette Valley, USA

This abstract was just submitted to the European Geosciences Union meeting for a session on “NH9.9. Natural hazard impact on technological systems and urban areas.” I won’t get to go to Vienna in April, but at least a little bit of my science will. Thanks to Natalia for finding a …