AGU 2013: Transient Storage versus Hyporheic Exchange in Low-gradient Headwater Streams

Abstract season is upon us. I’ll be at AGU, where there looks to be loads of good sessions, including one on “Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions: Physical, biological, and chemical relevance“. Hopefully, my work (abstracted below) will be part of this session. Transient Storage versus Hyporheic Exchange in Low-gradient Headwater Streams A.J. …

What this blog needs is more volcanoes

So much stuff going on here, I haven’t even had time to update since the end of the semester. But when I saw this video flit across my Twitter feed today (via @volcanojw), I slowed down to watch it and then had to share it. Someday I’ll get to Hawai’i …

Anthems for junior geology enthusiasts

The Kent State University Child Development Center kindergarten class is coming to visit the Geology Department this morning. They are going to get a chance to work on the Emriver stream table, figure out the the difference between fossils and rocks, and compare their stride length to a dinosaur’s. At …

Brock Freyer defends his MS on the Mighty Mississippi

Today, Brock Freyer will be defending the results of his M.S. research. The title of his research project is: Fluvial Response to River Management and Sediment Supply: Pool 6 of the Upper Mississippi River System, Southeastern Minnesota. Brock’s committee is composed of Anne Jefferson (advisor), John Diemer and Ross Meentemeyer. …

Mackenzie Osypian defends her thesis on stream restoration and transient storage

Mackenzie Osypian is defending her MS research in Civil Engineering at UNC Charlotte, April 22nd at 4:00 pm in McEniry Hall 441 on the UNC Charlotte campus. Mackenzie is advised by Anne Jefferson and Sandra Clinton. John Daniels and Jim Bowen are on her committee. Mackenzie’s research is titled: “Evaluating …

Meet Mr Toilet

I’m still super excited about Lost Rivers showing in Kent tonight, but there are many other great films at the Environmental Film Festival as well. This short from Jessica Yu, director of Last Call at the Oasis is fantastic: Meet Mr. Toilet | Jessica Yu from Focus Forward Films on …