Hydrologists go wild

The watershed hydrology lab and friends are participating in Mammals March Madness, in which different mammals battle for supremacy based on their physiology and behavior and we battle for laughs and bragging rights. Organized by Harvard’s Katie Hinde, Mammals March Madness had hundreds of participants last year, and looks to …

Sensitivity of precipitation isotope meteoric water lines and seasonal signals to sampling frequency and location

This work is being conducted by undergraduate lab member, Allison Reynolds. Allison presented her work as part of the CUAHSI/USGS Virtual Workshop on applications of laser specs to hydrology and biogeochemistry. From that workshop, she will have an extended abstract published in a USGS open file report, and her poster …

Augers v. Augurs

These are augers.   This is an augur.   The free dictionary defines augur as follows: n. 1. One of a group of ancient Roman religious officials who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens. 2. A seer or prophet; a soothsayer. v. au·gured, au·gur·ing, au·gurs v.tr. 1. To predict, especially from signs or …

REU at Kent State – Come work on aquatic-terrestrial linkages in urban ecosystems

Kent State and Holden Arboretum are hosting a summer REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) focused on aquatic-terrestrial linkages in urban impacted ecosystems. Lots of great faculty in geology, biological sciences and other departments are participating, and I would be thrilled to mentor a student through the program. The program will …

Radar precipitation measurements

Radar is increasingly used to measure precipitation in hydrologic science applications. It’s handy because it can be both frequent and areally distributed. This NWS newsletter does a great job of going over the basics of how weather radar can be used to derive rainfall rates and totals. This page gives a …