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urban watersheds

Rain garden resources

A compilation of some of the better resources available on line for rain garden design. If you find other good resources, please contact me or leave a comment. A good place to get started: “the bible” of bioretention A stormwater runoff calculator useful for sizing your rain garden, based on the …

EGU Abstract: Potential impact of lava flows on regional water supplies: case study of central Oregon Cascades volcanism and the Willamette Valley, USA

This abstract was just submitted to the European Geosciences Union meeting for a session on “NH9.9. Natural hazard impact on technological systems and urban areas.” I won’t get to go to Vienna in April, but at least a little bit of my science will. Thanks to Natalia for finding a …

Seeking grad students

I am seeking a MS or PhD student to conduct research focusing on urban hydrology at the watershed or stream-reach scale. Research will likely involve a significant field component, but may also include stable isotope and water quality lab work, GIS analyses, watershed modeling, or use of historical data. A …