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student opportunities

REU opportunity in hydrology in Costa Rica

Texas A&M University is again hosting a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site funded by the National Science Foundation for 10 undergraduate students to conduct cutting-edge research in a transitional cloud forest in central Costa Rica. Specifically, the REU site provides a unique international opportunity for students to be immersed …

REU opportunity on Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange (ERIE)-REU Program Dates: May to August 2013 (10 weeks) Website: Application Deadline: March 1, 2013 Applications are now being accepted for the summer 2013 Ecosystem Restoration through Interdisciplinary Exchange (ERIE)-REU at the State University of New York at Buffalo. …

Seeking grad students

I am seeking a MS or PhD student to conduct research focusing on urban hydrology at the watershed or stream-reach scale. Research will likely involve a significant field component, but may also include stable isotope and water quality lab work, GIS analyses, watershed modeling, or use of historical data. A …

Positions Available: Urban Hydrology and Water Quality Research Assistants at UNC Charlotte

Join the exciting Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Watersheds research group at UNC Charlotte in learning about the effects of stormwater management on urban stream ecosystems.  We are looking for one or more student research assistants for full or part-time work. This is a great opportunity for students looking for hands-on …

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Some of our students are in the field this week, injecting Cl- and Br- into a restored reach and an unrestored reach in tributaries of Beaver Dam Creek. Our goal is to understand the role of wood jams versus restoration structures in promoting stream-hyporheic exchange.

In the photo are Alea, Xueying, and Mackenzie. Photo by Brittany. They’ve got it so capably handled they didn’t even need Sandra or I out there with them today, but I’m going tomorrow for an excuse to be in the field as much as anything.

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Some of our students are in the field this week, injecting Cl- and Br- into a restored reach and an unrestored reach in tributaries of Beaver Dam Creek. Our goal is to understand the role of wood jams versus restoration structures in promoting stream-hyporheic exchange.

In the photo are Alea, Xueying, and Mackenzie. Photo by Brittany. They’ve got it so capably handled they didn’t even need Sandra or I out there with them today, but I’m going tomorrow for an excuse to be in the field as much as anything.

Spring Break: tracer injection in Beaver Dam Creek

Some of our students are in the field this week, injecting Cl- and Br- into a restored reach and an unrestored reach in tributaries of Beaver Dam Creek. Our goal is to understand the role of wood jams versus restoration structures in promoting stream-hyporheic exchange.

In the photo are Alea, Xueying, and Mackenzie. Photo by Brittany. They’ve got it so capably handled they didn’t even need Sandra or I out there with them today, but I’m going tomorrow for an excuse to be in the field as much as anything.

Another Water REU at Virginia Tech

Dynamics of Water and Societal Systems An Interdisciplinary Research Program at the Virginia Tech StREAM Lab 2012 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) June 4 – August 10 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia   Application will be Reviewed Starting February 29th, 2012   Applications are invited from qualified and motivated undergraduate …

Ralph McGee and Cameron Moore will graduate next week!

Major congratulations to two Watershed Hydrogeology Lab graduate students who have finished writing their MS theses and will defend them next week. Ralph McGee and Cameron Moore both started in our MS in Earth Science program in August 2009, and less than two years later they have each completed impressive …