Category Archives: public science

Listen to Chris talk about his life in science

I was recently interviewed by Dr. Marie McNeely, host of the ‘People Behind the Science’ podcast – a show that lets scientists talk about their lives and experiences to provide a more rounded view of what scientists actually do in … Continue reading

Categories: public science

A ton of 2+ year-old AGU journal articles are now open access!

All you have to do is wait two years after publication… Continue reading

Categories: geology, public science, publication

Festering Questions from the West Virginia Chemical Spill

The massive impact of last week’s chemical spill into the Elk River in West Virginia continues to cause hardship for the up to 300,000 people affected by the water ban and to pose tough questions for scientists and authorities involved … Continue reading

Categories: by Anne, hydrology, public science, society

The Spirit of Mawson expedition – harried by ice and media

The Highly Allochthonous family got pretty lucky on our trip to Antarctica: we enjoyed calm seas, including both ways across the infamously stomach-churning Drake Passage, and fairly clement weather every day of our trip. Meanwhile, on the other side of … Continue reading

Categories: Antarctica, climate science, public science

No. Whatever it is this time, it really can’t predict earthquakes.

One of the courses I’m teaching each semester here in Kent is called ‘Earth Dynamics’: an introductory-level geology course aimed at the broader undergraduate population. With that in mind, I try to identify and highlight areas where the topic at … Continue reading

Categories: earthquakes, geohazards, public science, ranting, society, teaching