Watershed Hydrology – Complete Compendium of my Online Teaching Resources

In Spring 2020, my Watershed Hydrology class transitioned to online in mid-March. This spurred me to create more blog posts and YouTube videos to provide content for the remaining units of the course. This substantial effort added to work I had been doing over the past several years to provide online resources to students in the class. Before we moved to fully online instruction, the goal of my blog posts were to free up class time for hands-on activities, by moving some of the methodological topics online. Obviously, after we moved online, the goal of my materials was to teach all of the content that I thought it was important for students in my class to know.

In this blog post, I provide links to the blog posts I had previously written for teaching purposes on precipitation, evapotranspiration and other topics and a listing of the blog posts I created during Spring 2020, including those with all of my resources on soil moisture and infiltration, streamflow generation, streamflow, and flooding.

Course Context and my Reflections on Spring 2020


Evapotranspiration and Interception

Soil Moisture and Infiltration

Streamflow (Runoff) Generation



Other Topics (not included in my Watershed Hydrology course)

Categories: by Anne, hydrology, teaching
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