Where on Google Earth #291

A post by Anne JeffersonHaving identified the location of the previous WoGE as the world’s tallest landslide dam, I have the honor of hosting the next go-around of this digital scavenger hunt.

For those that haven’t played before, here’s a quick overview of the rules. First one to correctly identify the latitude and longitude of the center of the image AND say something about what makes this area geologically interesting…wins. The prize is getting to pick the next WoGE location and hosting it on your blog or picking a geoblogger to host it for you. If you’ve won WoGE in the past, you have to wait one hour before submitting your answer for each of your previous wins (the Schott Rule). If you don’t remember how many times you’ve won, you can look at Ron Schott’s kmz file.

I don’t know much about the geologic history of the place pictured below, but I picked it for a certain relevance to Anthropocene events.

WoGE 291 (image from Google Earth)

Where on (Google) Earth #291? (Click for a larger image)

Posting time is 12:25 pm US Central Time (17:25 GMT) on 16 June.

Note: I’ll be offline this weekend, so if you solve the WoGE, you can go ahead and post the next one if you wish. If the WoGE is still unsolved when I return, I’ll consider a hint.

Categories: by Anne, geopuzzling

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