Stuff we linked to on Twitter last week

A post by Anne JeffersonChris, who holds the keys to the magic scripts that make our Twitter link fest something less than an all-day HTML formatting slog, is traveling at the moment. So forgive the leaner linky goodness this week, and savor the best 9 things I linked to on Twitter in the last 7 days.

Blogs in Motion

A new hydro- blog with a great name: Hydro-Ecstatic! Check it out: (h/t @callanbentley)


Humoring me with some pictures of flooding in my native neck of the woods, planelight has posted pictures of flooding of the Minnesota River around St. Peter: [My inspection of the USGS gage records at ~10 pm Saturday evening suggests that smaller streams have crested, but big riversĀ  like the Minnesota and Mississippi are still rising.]

Through the Sandglass has fantastically awesome post about Indus River, flooding & climate science (via @clasticdetritus)[This is the sort of post I meant to write about the Pakistan floods but never managed to pull together. Now Michael Welland has done a much better job of it.]

A nice exploration of two new papers on increasing rates of global groundwater depletion & its relationship to food exports

New blog post at Ordinary High Water Mark: Culverts 1: A case of the F***its Be sure to check out that picture at the top before you read the text!

A powerful story of poverty, politics, and lack of access to clean water in Lima at Wandering Gaia:


READ THIS Excellent introduction to climate feedbacks from RealClimate (via @AGW_Prof):

Journalism professor Jay Rosen on why climate science reporting is so bad – (via @geographile @ClimaTweets)


Great post at: Magma Cum Laude Distinguishing deposits from andesitic eruptions

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