Dear readers: tell us about yourself

A post by Chris RowanA post by Anne JeffersonOne of the blogging commandments should probably be: know thy readers! Therefore we are following the example of Janet, DrugMonkey and various others (who are themselves riffing from Ed Yong’s original idea) and asking you, our readers, to tell us a little about yourselves.

  • Who are you? Academic or professional geologist, student, enthusiastic rockhound, general browser?

  • What’s your level of science education? Postgraduate, undergraduate, school, dropped it like a hot potato at earliest opportunity?

  • What originally brought you to this blog, and what keeps you coming back (if indeed, you intend to)?

  • Which of the topics covered here do you particularly enjoy? Is there anything you tend to skip?

  • Are there any topics that would you like us to write about more often?

  • If you lurk rather than commenting, are you content with that? Are there conditions that you think might suck you into commenting?

  • If you could ask us to write one post explaining one basic concept in earth science, what would that concept be?

  • And finally, we have to ask: which is better, water or rocks?

Categories: bloggery

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