Stuff I linked to on Twitter last week

One of the main things I do on Twitter is link-sharing: that is, note stories and web resources that I find interesting, but that I don’t have the time or inclination to blog about (my own idiosyncratic approach to blogging has always generally boiled down to, “some thought/input from Chris required”). It works well for me, but I know that not everyone who reads the blog is into Twitter; that, and the desire to keep a more permanent record of stuff I’ve encountered on the interwebs, has led me to wondering if it would be worth posting a weekly summary. Which is what you see below: all of my tweets last week where I linked to something I found interesting, shorn of all the @s and RTs.
Sediments can be as pretty as minerals sometimes: see Clastic Detritus’ Friday Field Foto from Tierra del Fuego
Wonder what hoaxers thiink? Apollo 12 landing site (+ visible astronaut footprint tracks!) imaged by LRO:
WANT. Like beer? Like the Burgess Shale? Combine them!
Rock and Roll Building Will Survive Earthquakes
Mentioning geoengineering could spur people to reduce their carbon footprint.
A glass act: sculptures of deadly viruses
Did Life Arise 3.5 Billion Years Ago?
24 hr global animation of scheduled flights. Fascinating!
How depressing. Exclusive: Chances of getting a (UK) research grant plummet to all-time low.
Oooh: anectodal report that Iphone can accurately measure diips and strikes Structural mapping app, anyone?
A great discussion about different types of basin
Discussion on mainstreaming geo-terminology at All of My Faults are Sress Related gets ever better. Fave so far: Franciscan=disorganised.
Geobloggers riffing off the LA fires: and
Completely addicted to StormPulse hurricane monitoring tool. Here’s Jimena:
What would you give to geologise on Mars? Should the first manned mission to Mars be a one-way trip?
Royal Society weighs in on Geoengineering Seem to think it may be a necessary semi-evil.
Dear science journalists, please stop saying “scientists believe…”
PG&E wants to store wind, solar energy As compressed air pumped into porous reservoir rock. Clever.
Let me know whether you think this is useful or interesting; if enough people like, I’ll make it a regular weekend thing. Please don’t be afraid to tell me you find it annoying; I’ll just keep a personal record and leave it at that.
While you’re possibly feeling opinionated, please also take a second to go and tell the Overlords what you’d like from their proposed user registration programme.

Categories: bloggery, links

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