Chris takes on geo-engineering on

A post by Anne JeffersonOver at our sister site, Chris offers up a geologist’s perspective on the latest assessment of geo-engineering schemes to use technology to deter on-going climate change. Here’s a sampling of what Chris says:

Resorting to geoengineering cannot be viewed as anything other than a failure on our part. The problem we currently face is not just about the possible impact of rising sea levels and changing weather patterns. The more fundamental issue is our species’ mad dash to consume the energy and mineral resources produced by hundreds, if not thousands, of millions of years of geological activity in a mere century or two. Much of the impetus behind geoengineering seems to be an attempt to cling to what could be referred to as “business as abnormal,”

Go read the whole thing now, and while you are over there, check out James Wilsdon’s inside scoop on the report issued September 1st by the Royal Society on “Geo-engineering the climate: science, governance, and uncertainty.”

Categories: by Anne, climate science, links

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