Gone drillin’ (redux) and an open thread

Yes, after a stupidly short turn around time I am once more off into the field, this time for three weeks in Namibia. The target this time is the Proterozoic-Cambrian boundary, with a possible side-visit to a Snowball Earth cap carbonate. I’m afraid that I haven’t had the time to schedule any reposts from ye olde blog, but I will post updates from the field if the chance presents itself. The geoblogospheric feed should hopefully keep alerting you to interesting things being written elsewhere.
In the meantime – consider this an open thread. Say hi. Stroke my ego by telling me what I’m doing right. Put me in my place by explaining what I could do better. Take me to task for giving my blog such a stupid name. Whatever.
See you in three weeks!

Categories: bloggery

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